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The Day the Sun Rises on a New Day, The Alpha Day, The Alpha Ship

August 12, 2024

The group was getting tired.

Days Turned to Weeks Turned to Months 

The gladiators who escaped the colosseum have been in this OG village much longer than expected.

The raft had gotten them to the OG village. And with these engineers in the village, more learning and more networking was needed than anticipated.

Some of the engineers had already been working on such technology and solutions.

Which is great! 

The gladiators were not as technical of a group as they were a merchant group.

And discussions, as well as re-alignment, was needed.

Finally, an Alpha Ship Must Be Sent Off Down the River

But many months had passed, and some action needed to be done.

After some trips outside of the village to other further lands of more OGs, and discussions with them in those lands – action was needed.

An Alpha Ship, To Precede The Larger Ship

A hand selected of gladiators who were brave enough to take an early model “alpha ship” gathered.

They would take what some engineers argued was not fully ready and tested.

Yet other merchants and some of the engineers felt it must be done. To send gladiators who were brave enough and willing enough to take this alpha ship and be the pioneers.

Are You Ready – To Join the Alpha Ship

The Alpha Ship represents pioneering, being lean, shipping a product before it is perfect.

The engineers have agreed to let us release this alpha ship to the wild – will you be willing to join us?

Only Ambassadors Can Join the Alpha Ship – Apply Today

Because this is early, and the first, we only allow our vetted ambassadors to join this ship.

If you are an ambassador, please join us in the ambassador-only discord channel.

If you want to apply to be an ambassador, please do so now at https://blog.hamza.biz/ambassador

The show must go on, and this is the dawn of a new day – a day of alpha.
