Join us for the first episode of Decom Talks, where we feature four trailblazing sellers from Hamza.market. Hear their stories, insights, and experiences as they navigate the world of online selling. Don’t miss this inspiring and informative kickoff to our new series!
Decom Talks | Ep.1 – YouTube
(00:00) [Music] all right GM GM good morning everybody our first decom talks so give us a few minutes as we get some of our panelists on board and get this party started be prepared for some fun stuff some giveaways some Q&A any questions are also welcom and Jose how are you guys great Jose how are you excellent perfect so we have another seller asking how to join so I think we have to maybe spend a couple minutes just getting them familiar with the spaces we’re onboarding know sellers not just to Hamza and decom but also to to X
(00:50) or Twitter so so air developa I think was we got to help him get in here see I just see him in the group also we should bring up only princess here thanks for making it I don’t know I see it as a listener I think maybe we should invite the sellers we’re going to be talking to today onto the stage if they’re able to is there a limit an or as far as I know no oh eight eight sorry it’s eight there is some limit I felt like I’ve noticed it before hello hello hello everyone Thomas is okay or only Prince what do you only
(01:36) Prince or stanzo cenzo forward slash couple different names I was actually wondering if you have the handshake names of some of these stores or I do own only prints I I had to make sure I grabbed that one off of handshake so yeah great that is a nice one great okay so we are just getting air developer here let me I’m trying to to help Roberto join but I can’t seem to do that Mike okay I mean he has to click that link and it he should click the join button like same as all of us have done so we maybe just resend them I’ll just
(02:22) send them the link again let me do that okay all right well while you get that going I I’ll keep get I’ll keep off so I’m Mike melini one of the co-founders of Hamza Market the we call it the world’s first decom Marketplace dcom is a keyword we’re building out to be decentralized e-commerce and we be building this for depends on what you say start right say I mean you’ve been talking a year and a half or maybe longer but fulltime development for a year all of 2024 was developing and now
(02:59) we’re into 25 2025 here still rather early in the second second month February and we’ve been slowly opening up the doors slowly onboarding some sellers which you’ll meet today um testing with Buyers getting feedback from investors working on new investment round working on white paper tokenomics we’re not going to focus too much on tokenomics web 3 governance incentives today today’s topic is dcom talks the purpose of this session is to get to know the people behind the screens behind the the shops
(03:40) talk to some of the first vendors of this amazing new Marketplace and learn about what a little bit their story their product get some ideas of what you can support if you’d like to be our first buyer buy their products maybe also potentially join us as a seller too and then we could ask answer questions talk about it and then if you’re more interested in white paper to economics incentives we have a town hall that happens in our Discord a Hamza Discord which you can join we had our basically both of these
(04:15) are new new initiatives so we had our first Town Hall open house for Hamza Discord just a few days ago and this is our first decom talk so this will be on Spaces that will be on Discord they are recorded this is recorded this will be redistributed after at least I hope it’s recorded is it recorded yeah it says recording okay so I’m super excited to get this going we have an is behind the scenes at the Hamza market account how you doing an hi everybody good to be here yes I’m good hope everyone too yeah
(04:56) we appreciate your support making sure this Spas is got going and you’ll also be sharing a little bit about snapch I believe right can I just confir publicly yes I am yes I am okay great great and only Prince we have with us today really engaged also from the handshake community and from years and been one of our first sellers thanks for making it here only Prince anytime great and we got Roberto here from Air developer of one of the co-founders and CEOs of air developer which is a first vendor here too selling
(05:36) Quality Air machines so how you doing Roberto hi all thanks for having me here I’m doing great looking forward to get this going yeah yeah it’s been fun working with you earlier on and and we’ll we’ll get into this and we’ll hear more about your your business your products in a minute perfect thanks for getting it to work and Jose also in the team to full disclosure but also very engaged seller that’s just launched his book Jose will be sharing about that how you doing Jose how you doing Mike uh
(06:10) thanks for having me here and good to be here looking forward to this yeah it’s gonna be fun it’s going to be a great one all right so know this is the first one we’re we’re testing the model but the idea here is we can get to know a little bit of these first vendors so there’s no particular order I maybe I’ll just start with air air developer Roberto so do you mind just introducing a little bit about your your business just generally nothing hums are related and more just about you and your
(06:44) business for us to learn about you in your company yeah sure yeah I don’t mind being the first this way everybody’s I know it’s listening at least yes so I live in Thailand I’ve been here for the last seven years and for those who don’t know which actually I didn’t know until I arried here is that there is a big air pollution issue over here uh particularly acute between December and April which means that the air quality is really bad there is a lot of smoke from burning all across the region well
(07:19) you don’t need to be a genius to know that’s really about for your health both short term and long term well I was living here in Thailand around 5 years ago there was no no machines which are called air purifiers that you can put at home these machines basically clean the air and allow you to breathe healthier so back then it was really hard to get one of those and also very expensive so I decided to make my own for context I’m a electronics engineer so I made my own it turned out to work really well and
(07:53) after that I decided to commercialize this product that’s how I start making air purifiers which I make them in in Thailand I sourc the part from China but then I assembled them here in in Thailand and I’ve been selling it nationwide since then long time ago I I added the option for people to to pay with crypto I was using coinbase Commerce but now I’ve shifted to Hamza yeah I’m really excited to start using this new platform and see how things go great great thank you so much R appreciate background and it’s been
(08:31) great to work with you I think yeah Jose and I have been working closely with you on on boarding and we really appreciate all your your input and support okay so we’ll we’ll come back to you in in a minute we’re just G kind of go around intros so only Prince only Prince is is one of the very first he he’s been willing to work with us in a very early stages still early but very early with some products do you want to do a quick intro and background for us here only Prince yeah heyy guys only Prince here
(09:03) or also known as Thomas I’ve been part of the handshake Community for a long time and Mike reached out to me he knew that I was selling the 3D prints I got into 3D printing almost a year ago I was just just something fun I thought it’d be to do on the side I Tred to I try to do something fun for the kids and lo and behold the the order I got lost it was these little 3D printed articulated dragons and for Easter they never came in on time so and like I joked around with my wife and I was like if I had a
(09:36) 3D printer I could have just printed these myself know instead of not having what I wanted for the kids to surprise the surprise the kids and so I just I just leaped in I ended up buying a 3D printer and just been expanding from there I started with just home stuff and then I started trying to sell online and it’s been rocking ever since I I do pretty much anything I mean it’s been a fun Journey if it’s plastic or rubber like I can I can print pretty much anything from phone cases to literally anything it’s it’s it’s been fun selling
(10:13) on Hamza has been great so far like I said Mike brought me on to H to Hamza I believe I was the first seller and it’s it’s been awesome so far like being able to LEAP into the dcom Merce area instead of the uh and all these companies that have power over over your money over your your types of sales they just have too much power and just moving over to dcom Merce at least I kind of feel like I’m a little bit more in control with how things are going regarding sales of any type of sale and peace of mind with
(10:51) my money as well so it’s it’s been great so far thank you Mike for bringing me on board and my pleasure I look forward to this journey with Hamza thank you thank you yeah we’ll come back to some of the some of the Hamza experience and things but this is a great intro so it’s really cool that you’re making things happen finding a problem like your kids products that you ordered and and kind of making them yourself and it’s 3D printing is is also a big revolution right I mean there’s
(11:19) the AI Revolution there’s this web 3 crypto Revolution there’s uh you know 3D printing it’s it’s a it’s a wild world the world’s changing fast but it’s exciting for you to be on the Forefront of that and and AI is starting to play hand in hand too like being able to create 3D models just from trying to just just from being able to describe what you have in your mind into let’s say chat GPT and then to be able to create a 3D model is it’s only going to revolutionize everything cool ideas come
(11:53) to life all right thank you so much so Jose up and then an this will be the four vendor so Jose your books hello my name is Jose and I’m working for Hamza as Customer Support I’m helping on board Sellers and this is our first coort and I’m privileged enough to be also a part of this first coort I am long before I was working on hamsa I used to be a university Professor here in Venezuela and I wrote a book about stochastic processes which is one of the subjects I taught there and finally I I’ve been able to to put my book online
(12:34) and sell it which is may seem some something trivial but uh actually it’s it’s pretty interesting because as some of you may know Venezuela is a country that’s been hit by us sanctions and it’s it’s basically people here don’t have access to USD banking services so being able to sell something uh for crypto and being able to on board easily and and in such a open platform as hamsa is or as we’re striving to to be is it’s it’s a GameChanger it’s you know it’s one of
(13:08) those Moment Like Neil Armstrong said when he hit the moon he said a small step for man and a giant for mankind it it may sound hyperb but this will really open up Commerce to many people that otherwise would not have access to so I’m very excited to be here and privileged feel privileged to be among the first cohort of sellers of ham great yeah we always like your passion josea it’s amazing and I I really I mean I really want to help you more build it out in in Venezuela I mean it’s put pretty glob even just these first three
(13:46) and then next is also another country but irand us Venezuela and then next is Philippines with an but it’s a it’s it’s our my passion I mean I think the too is to enable people to do to Commerce like allowing people to be able to make a business for themselves right like anywhere in the world that that’s been something for me personally for like since I came to Asia in 2007 so it’s great to see it happening and yeah it’s just a beginning one small step we’re still at the very small step but
(14:20) exactly exactly exactly thanks thanks was okay now the last intro is an represent snapch do you want to say a little bit about yourself and and hey everybody you hear me okay yeah loud and clear all right perfect Al righty so my name is an and I’m representing snap Chom I live in the Philippines and why we started apum originally so the just a little bit of a background CH is is a startup wherein you know maybe you guys have heard that the internet and electricity in the Philippines is terrible so I’m keeping my fingers
(15:06) crossed here the nothing glitches but yeah so Snapchat was actually the the the the the reason behind for creating actually creating the business for providing remote workers and Freelancers stable internet and electricity and of course increase our productivity and have more creativity and then just a few months ago it was it was a hamsa team that reached out to snapch and yeah why not start selling on Hamel which was exciting and also made me a little bit nervous at the same time because I live in the Philippines and if
(15:54) we are going to service like globally then that’s like a big leap for us but it’s very exciting so far we have some Electronics um orders that already have been delivered in the past couple of months globally which is amazing so at the same time we we are also excited that it’s not only that we can buy products with fat or Fiat but also we can buy items with crypto so looking forward to working more with Hamza with other products yeah we started with electronics because it made sense something that Freelancers and remote
(16:34) workers can use online remote workers I mean so yeah thanks for having snapch everybody and Hamza thank you thank you an all right so the intros it got me all fired up too I mean like I just said it’s pretty International and we have different backgrounds and different stories so I think the next the next question that each person could answer is somewhat you all been saying but maybe just more specifically is like why why why crypto or why blockchain or or I think some are more obvious than others but if you
(17:12) could give a sentence or two or or long a little bit longer about why do you why do you think this is needed you know versus the current system I don’t know if maybe in the same order or developer sure yes so for me there is a personal Inc incentive and then let’s call it a systemic one so the the systemic one it’s because I feel I guess it’s fair these platforms have control over all the Commerce operations because they created the the platform but at the same time it leaves particularly us
(17:50) sellers very vulnerables to very vulnerable to like a lot of bad acting from customers or sometimes when these platforms they get so so big the quality of service that they can offer the sellers becomes really low and sometimes you have to pay for the shortcomings so I believe you SE a decentralized web Free Solution where where sellers are more directly connected to customers it’s a win-win for for everyone long term at least and then personally well I’m I’m very invested in crypto and I believe in all the values that come this
(18:29) ization and being the owner of your own money or assets so it is also in my personal interest to that if I have a business I can offer my my product and my value through a web free interface or or exchanging or by using different tokens like it could be stable coins or it could be bigger market cap coins like ethereum Bitcoin and so on so yeah for me as an investor as a Believer it’s I like to put my what’s it say my mouth where my or my mouth yeah yeah yeah so yeah that’s it for me thanks thanks Roberto I I agree a lot
(19:20) with those points thanks for sharing yeah that’s my quick take from that is I almost feel like crypto’s gotten a little bit off track in my opinion with especially meme coins and even all this Defi and reaking and it it turned me off over the years a little bit honestly especially the Ico stuff and this one of our value our values here is to try to have real utility of of blockchain and cryptocurrencies rather than all this kind of like Vapor stuff right I mean that’s what we’re trying to do here and
(19:55) and and also showcase today so thanks thanks for your points next is only Prince what do you why crypto why you know I think you’re also on Etsy and other platforms now right yeah I’ve been selling on Facebook Marketplace and Etsy and and locally as well but like whenever it comes to online that like a lot of people we’ve all had bad experiences when it comes to other people in control of your funds I I would choose crypto over regular Fiat any day let’s see they have too much control over your sellers panel if you
(20:32) for instance hasn’t happened to me but if you get too many bad reviews then they can kick your your shop offline Faceook Marketplace and thank God they’re so controlling if know a print has a hint of blood in it or something from like a Deadpool hu Forge that I’ve printed and then they they take it off of marketplace and then give me a strike and basically leads into Facebook jail that’s what they call it it’s just it’s so much of a hassle trying to please your potential customers and the company
(21:06) and the company just has too much power so when it comes to stuff like that I I would just rather crypto and decom Merce it’s it’s it gives me that peace of mind I I don’t have to stress about if I post this print will it even stay online or anything like that like I have no stress about that whatsoever and then even for the fun I don’t have to worry about if somebody were to do a chargeback or anything like that like it’s it’s it’s done it’s it’s all in all it’s peace of
(21:37) mind and that’s what I love about crypto and it just that’s pretty much the gist of it I mean I don’t I don’t like it when a company has too much power and that’s why I’m on Hamza thanks thanks for that welcome and yours literally we are fundraising I spoke to an investor less than 12 hours ago and he’s saying like US market why do you need this there’s already all these platforms and already people can get everything they need already this is something I don’t know I mean I guess
(22:12) maybe the sellers have no choice but have to go where to buyers are is maybe what he’s trying to tell me but it was but I think of course the developing Market already unbaked so mov into Jose I guess it’s almost pretty obvious for Jose but I’d love to hear from himself like why crypto I feel feel like maybe there’s not it’s pretty obvious but I love to hear yours it just wh why yes it is indeed Mike I’ve hinted at this before but when you look at the Venezuelan case and how how we got into
(22:43) hyperinflation which I think is the future of the rest of the World by the way when it comes down to it we we it’s it was all about controls it was all about the government trying to centrally plan the economy and basically issue very stricty control things which which generated some corruption mechanism for some to take advantage of and that’s what led me to crypto in the first place so as you said you’ve been disenchanted with with crypto lately as seeing there’s so many meme coins and all that all that
(23:17) speculation and all that stuff we know about but for me I was I was led into crypto by pure necessity Mike yeah so as as a way not only to preserve my my my value the the value that I have but also to exchange with other people somewhere else in the world which I could not I could not otherwise do and that’s the value proposition of of Hamsa your investor says well why why build something that there’s already some of yes but all the all the alternatives are centralized and centralization leads to control as as my other colleagues have
(23:55) said and control leads to inequality and unequal access to to everybody in the market I mean I believe the market doesn’t have to be a zero sum game like if I lose if if I win you lose or vice versa I mean I believe we can all win and this is the path to do it just open up markets to anyone in the world and try to capture parts of the economy which otherwise would not be captured that I believe is is the main the main value proposition of crypto for me yeah yeah I well I always I think others on our team like how you you say these
(24:35) things yeah I think well you’ve also experienced it right I mean you’re just saying like it’s coming soon to a country near you I guess so yeah I don’t know a little bit scary but it does feel that way globally and so we all have to embrace this system maybe we don’t even have a choice or maybe you don’t even really have a choice and most many of us might not have as many choices in the future so interesting sorry perspective hello I hear you Jose hello I I can hear you I don’t know
(25:08) if people and can you hear me yeah I hear you okay I can hear everybody I guess Jose stops hearing us I don’t know Ann if you could tell him maybe privately but yep okay so let’s move to an and why why why crypto for you like or what what got you interested in it I know a little bit your story here well personally I’m a big fan of hello do you guys hear me yeah Jose we hear you an is speaking hello yeah let’s see how can I give us the Twitter spaces maybe I’ll call him on telegram give me a second all right okay
(25:56) I messaged him to disconnect all right so I’ll just bring Jose back to on stage yeah a little bit later all right and continuing with my story personally and I have been a fan of decentralization D web four years ago so it’s kind of tough It’s kind of tough toate decentralized for me especially if you’re not technically knowledgeable so crypto blockchain it’s all technological advancements and Innovation but I’m still here and taking the challenge and when I heard about decom it got me excited a couple of
(26:41) years ago or during covid time I I saw a local transaction that happened here in the Philippines wherein someone sold a house and he accepted crypto which was amazing so that really fascinated me so I think also sold the card two weeks ago which is groundbreaking congratulations on that transaction Hamza and yeah so basically that’s that for me and as for snapch values and maybe goals it basically snapch wants to provide a lot of opportunities for our fellow Freelancers and remote workers so not only in the Philippines but also other
(27:29) remote workers in Asia or other countries in the world so I’m really excited about that I keep saying that because I am so it’s kind of hard to maybe start a business only with but with crypto the sky is the limit yes you still have to be careful but for me it’s the sky is the limit so it’s giv the freelancer community here where I’m in better opport unities and yeah why not become Sellers as well yes so that’s that awesome yeah thanks thanks Ed yeah we’ve been working together for many
(28:10) years and it’s a pleasure to see because I think this is what it’s for I know like I’ve been a little bit venting you know Meme coins notter which is speculation and is fun I guess but I think this is what it’s really meant to be for so I use the word Empower we have a program we haven’t really released it yet and Empower a seller which is to help sellers be empowered and entrepreneurs be empowered to be able to sell and and and grow their business and you know hopefully we can have you know
(28:41) grants and others well at least training but maybe even grants in a in the longer term to help people do this so it’s great thanks for sharing with us and okay so we are going through some questions going around some rooms I think we also have a raffle from only Prince maybe now we’re getting kind of like deeper into this maybe at at the end we can do a raffle for those that are sticking with us for a free free only prce you want to share a little bit about that only Prince about your your yeah more so a giveaway we can do I have
(29:19) the special edition ham a prince I’ve only created 20 of them and that’s that’s all that’s going to be there no more no less but I’d be happy to to give away one of these to one random person that’s sticking around with us and unfortunately this is us only so if you’re not in the US then we can figure something out or or maybe if we can handle shipping costs but if you are in the US then I’ll cover the shipping costs but but yeah just the the international shipping gets kind of
(29:51) expensive but I’d be more than happy to to give one of these away to one lucky person that’s in the us tonight awesome awesome yeah we’ll arrange that for those people towards the end that can stick with us but let’s move to the next topic feel like I feel like we’ve already gotten the insights about the products but maybe we talk about where where it’s shipping because each one here is different so like where do you ship to and and and maybe why or know like air air developer your sh I love
(30:28) your we all love your story actually I did an unboxing I’ll send it to you later I I bought one and through Hamza and it was received and we did a getting I’m tweaking a little bit on the editing today so I’ll send it to you later but I’m enjoying it and I love your story because it’s made here in Thailand and and your story why but you’re currently maybe I know we’re talking about it but currently at least on Hamza you’re only delivering within Thailand and hopefully we can do more International too but do
(30:58) you want to maybe share about your like how your Logistics works so you make it in Thailand and they ship it out maybe each person can kind of talk a little bit about where it’s made and how it’s shipped I’m not doing too revealing but whatever you’re willing to share on the manufacturing and distribution for each person so let’s start with air developer yeah sure thanks Mike so yeah one of the things I take pride is that my product is made in in Thailand is is not just another Drop Shipping business where I
(31:32) just ship something from China nothing bad with that if anyone is doing that but yeah for me this is my original product that I designed then well I was lucky enough to find factories all across shangai and they provided me with a fair price not much higher than China so I took the decision to make it in changai because also this is one of my main branding strategies is that this is a homemade product so some people don’t care but a lot of other people they do resonate with this they like they they are supporting something local so
(32:10) actually yeah it’s not only like a functional decision is also a marketing decision to produce locally right now we only well we offer our product in Thailand but also in India so we we started the our journey in India it’s been very very tough but if you are in India and you have an Amazon account you can find our product in Amazon India but for the most part we we only sell in Thailand and it is very very expensive to ship internationally and that’s why we haven’t been able to do it yet but yeah
(32:51) those are my my Logistics awesome thanks for sharing and it arrived to me I ordered it and I think it was also over the weekend I think it arrived to me on a Sunday in Thailand I feel like they ship and deliver every single day but I think I got within three days from my order and it’s great I just plug it in it’s very simple and I’ll have a video we’ll also put it on the Hamza Market embed video and you can also use it on your site or anywhere else but it’s it’s very very easy to use and effective so thanks okay
(33:27) next up only print what your they’ve kind of shared it a bit but maybe just focused on how it’s made and how it’s shipped yeah so obviously I build everything in house and I ship from here I don’t I also don’t do the Drop Shipping as as well I mostly just Shi to the US just because shipping costs a lot of times I I know how much it cost to to ship from here on the East Coast all the way out to the West Coast or even Hawaii I I have a good General number in mine and I I price price my my prints around
(34:02) that number also obviously time and materials but shipping out of the US right now it’s on special occasions I I can do it but I try not to uh just because of cost factors a lot of stuff that I sell is fairly cheap and know it’s it’s kind of hard to to sell something that that is at a low cost but I mean the shipping shipping cost is like double or triple the cost of what my print actually what the the print’s cost actually is so as of right now mostly us shipping and just on special occasions bulk orders and
(34:40) whatnot is when I ship overseas got it yeah Logistics is that is the biggest challenge I mean I’m also a seller and the shipping is always the stressful part which goes to Jose which is a little bit of a different story but you can say it share your it is a different story indeed I’d like to apologize for the for disconnecting but there was a blackout here I guess it’s Ann’s fault for mentioning that well my in my case it’s it’s I have more of a proof of concept one of the neat things about
(35:13) about sites that it’s entirely experimental so I’m experimenting with sending a a digital product my book is is sent as a PDF so I don’t have any of the shipping Hassle and Logistics that you guys have fortunately but it opens up the the the space for people that that would otherwise not have access to to sell their stuff anywhere in the world so I guess that’s that’s pretty interesting and I’m pretty stoked about that it is amazing great and then actually we haven’t even talked about
(35:48) this Jose I’ll just say it live but you know you’re one of our first digital products and there has been others we have gift cards too so it wasn’t original idea to do digital we thought physical but we’re testing it and you have a choice in your distribution I’m not sure if you’re aware but I spoke to the dev team right now you’re manually delivering so I bought your book I’m H I’m so happy to be your customer and buy your book and then you emailed it to me but our de seems says it could be
(36:22) automated and you could automatically deliver from if you want but of course it’s got to get up excellent I’m just finding out about that Mike I feel like I’m you right now but I John and he says that could be either way it depends what you want so so that’s just a also for everybody here listening digital products is something new we thought it would be more physical product platform but we’re testing and accommodating so it’s great to have Jose all right and then last but not least and at Snapchat I think
(36:58) a couple people here says they don’t do it but do you want to share what what you do or we do or snap yes abolutely all right so for Snapchat yes Logistics was very very tricky because we had or have Global or International customers but we are very lucky to have a good Network in China good connection so a lot of our products are shipping from China and also there are a couple of the more expensive ones I don’t I cannot really share the details intirely but there are a couple of products that we are
(37:38) sourcing from other countries and then the logistics is being handled by one of our good friends as well shipping worldwide which is easy China Warehouse ECW if they are they have availability but uh on the Philippine side we already have a lot of what’s this what’s that how how can I say Web Two counterparts maybe web to counterparts that are ship shipping from different Asian countries so that is another solution that we’re doing at the moment yeah basically it all it all boils down on the cost yeah shipping is expensive
(38:23) but I’m very thankful that we have a good network from typically Global from Asia so Mike especially is also helping us connect with them and so far it’s going smoothly the big I guess the big challenge is that we cannot really like say how long it will take but it’s also the same when when it arrives to the recipient yeah we cannot really say specifically but good thing that the snapch China team are is also there to assist yeah we have a couple of people people helping us from there all right anything else to add maybe
(39:03) Mike yeah I think it’s clear so just to kind of sumarize it’s shipping mostly from China over International mostly everywhere around the world and it’s Electronics like you said especially the batteries is very tricky and so there’s various routes it has to go through but they are smaller items they’re not bulky so shipping from China is still rather affordable at a certain weight or size so these are light lighter weight smaller items consumer electronics which are able to be Shi within somewhat
(39:38) reason but they might arrive like yeah like 10 to 15 days from the order so as long as the buyer is aware of that which we try to show on those listings but yeah that that kind of covers it so I think let’s start to wrap up and this is our first Ecom talk maybe we can have if there’s somebody has question either even from the speakers or the audience but I just want to say we’re trying our best as you can say it’s it’s even making me realize we have people all around look it’s like multiple countries shipping to multiple
(40:10) different kind of setups our Dev team and our team has been trying to make it easier for people to filter and find the right ones right so we’re working on that and it’s it’s super exciting but is there any maybe something some here wants to say I mean so go to of course you all sell on other platforms but we would of course hope people listening could go to ham.
(40:37) market and find find these stores we can link them also in the in the show notes and they’re pretty easy to find right now there we’ll we have a links for each of them so you of course could support maybe we’ll go through a little bit if there’s no questions I can go through the order process because I know some people ask that and but is there questions or points that some people here on the stage would like to to say just open Talk may I please yeah Roberto I don’t want to put you on the spot but when do you when do you think you can ship to
(41:12) worldwide I mean your product is very interesting I’d like to have one of those myself those air purifiers yeah I’m I’m already trying to figure where it’s out but for now yeah it’s just too expensive because I have a similar problem has only prints my my product which sells at $50 sometimes if I want to ship internationally it could cost half of that and so on so it’s there’s also this kind of like psychological problem where like you obviously don’t want to pay so much for shipping when the product is is
(41:47) almost the same price as the shipping so yeah I’m trying to find ways I know the the Chinese somehow they can ship things very cheaply so I’m trying to get into into that Circle to see how they do it but yeah still working it out yeah you remind me I have I have an idea there’s there’s some ideas I have I the one way people do it is is it’s much slower but they consolidate into a consolidate into a container and then ship it and then break it in the end country but it be pretty slow but it’s more affordable and
(42:27) I think I’ll talk to you privately about that but but even from Thailand there are some that do that that I just popped my mind I should introduce you to that that’s on my list to do this morning but I mean the other issue I think is the size generally but yeah I’m going to give you a couple more options maybe it could work for you too but but Jose a lot of times what larger items do I me not saying it’s so large but it’s like mediumsized but they will have stock in those end countries or distributors in
(43:02) those end countries because I don’t look we haven’t really brought Trump but I don’t really want get political but he’s starting to add these various tariffs and and and the whole world is right now with even small Parcels into the US with he’s trying to I think tax everything inbound even small items so I’ve already seen sellers adjusting to actually use a Us warehouse and then ship from the US warehous house rather than it’s called crossb at least in my world shipping from one country to another so so some
(43:35) sellers are already adjusting with this new Trump World at least in the US is having stock and warehousing in us to sell there Roberto talked about India I think he has stock maybe in India he’s not shipping from Thailand so but of course the seller yeah warehouseing India yet so the but of course the sellers myself included we don’t want that means we have to tie up more capital on inventory and fill up a warehouse with certain amount of stock and pay warehousing fees and pay ship pay shipping and customs and and we’ll
(44:09) have that stock there until it sells so it’s not as nice for cash flow to do that all right but is that helpful Jose and yeah I’m going to keep working with the sellers here especially our first ones but long term we want to help help them succeed yeah yes indeed well terrorists will only complicate things more but yeah I’ve thought about that I’ve thought about since everything is is oriented right now towards everything being shipped to the US I don’t know how that will work out in the future but you
(44:41) know as they say problems generate opportuni so I I hope something might might something new might come up in that regard yeah there’s some I mean I’m even thinking about some ideas but I don’t want to get into it now but imagine using like I quickly say imagine people become shipping people and you can kind of use a human Network to bring things like when they’re traveling I’ve even seen that start up many years ago but I think it’s getting more possible now but it’s just an early idea any
(45:13) other po or final words we could use and then we maybe figure out how to do the raffle or drawing only Prince and an I don’t know if we could kind of do it after too maybe just see who’s here and and contact them on Twitter definitely yes okay just to go through the escrow process just so everybody understands so one of I think the the big differences of of Hamza Market from even people like Roberto says he had coinbase pay on his store is this escrow we been spent a lot of time on the buttons so we’ve been
(45:49) designing buttons for for for stores to use on our own websites or or social medias and we believe the esro is one of our differentiating services so the money is held in a not even held by Hamza it’s held in a smart contract which is a multi for now which means multiple people on a on a wallet that over time would be governed by the community but for now it’s we call it Progressive decentralization so it’s a team multi-sig for now I’m one of the signers but when you buy something on HS it doesn’t go directly to these vendors it
(46:31) goes first to this SM contract and is held there until released escrow and I’ll be very transparent we are still defining how that is exactly released but especi of course when the buyer releases it it is released to the seller of course the question is what if the buyer doesn’t release it what if the buyer doesn’t agree to release it of course ‘s shipping tracking numbers and others Jose’s got a lot of experience in this space over in the past and we will work to make this as as clear as
(47:07) possible but if the buyer doesn’t release the escrow over a certain amount of time it would be escalated to the Arbiters which for now is is the team but in the long term would be the community of of approved Arbiters which would see the case and make a judgment and there is even escalations we’ve had at long tokenomics calls about the escalation process so even if you’re not satisfied on either side of the outcome you could go to a second opinion and it could raise higher and this is the this is one of
(47:45) our building in our our platform and so we don’t use a stripe or a PayPal you know Amazon pay but we also I know I heard Thomas say no chargebacks it’s a very tricky one right because what if what if I bought you know the air developer and then I received it and I released escrow but what if a week later it it malfunctions in web 2 I could still charge back right I mean I don’t I hate to do that I don’t usually do that but I could dispute it but in this case if the funds are released I there’s not
(48:21) really a way to get the funds back I believe the vendors would be honorable we are working on a syst to solve that in our tokenomics where there’s some deposits and such separate from the escro I don’t want to get into that today’s call but my last part is we as a team decided to launch earlier we could have kept building we could have there’s still so much more to build and we could have kept building in private and not public but we as a team decided to open it up and these vendors today and a few
(48:51) others are our first and really appreciate their willingness to work with us so that’s that know we’re we’re at the one hour mark this was this worked out perfect I I enjoyed this I hope everybody else enjoyed this but what we’re going to do is on a regular basis this is our first one please support buy buy from these vendors give us your feedback on the experience on the products test the system there’s so much more to go thanks for being with us um just to add on I do have that giveaway
(49:23) ready to go for any that has stuck around I’m go ahead and run that right now sweet so stand by do I do a drum roll we got a new thing ‘s laughing here all right Terina you are the winner great so if you can’t message me on on X or Twitter but I think I’ll tell her that Thomas but she’s in Venezuela so I don’t think she will be able to to apply the nft I think there’s also the bronze nft from the hamah hand yeah we can do the nft then it’s it’s up to her if she wants to contribute toward shipping then
(50:05) I can still ship this out and she can get the nft or just the nft okay yeah I’ll talk to her about that don’t worry all right thank you and thank you to everybody that’s been uh hanging around was the only giveaway or yeah yeah for now that’s the first giveaway always the first the others are just still getting started so we we’ll work on more promotions and giveaways in the future so thanks Thomas always and only Prince for your support yeah thank thank you everybody that has came and listened for
(50:40) a while thank you all all right so yeah follow Hamza decom one we have the number one after because we got banned on the original for no reason I don’t know I think we’re sharing the login with our team which I guess maybe is the reason but yeah we have put the one at the end of homson dcom one on Twitter and you’ll get notifications about these future spaces and other other opportunities in this budding ecosystem so thanks all for being here with us I’m gonna head off now thank thanks everybody we’re only starting as as Mike
(51:13) said we’re progressively striving to become more decentralized and there will be more exciting things to come in the future thanks all right thanks everybody I’m going to head out thank you bye everybody [Music]