In this episode of Decom Talks, the team discusses the latest developments in decentralized e-commerce, the challenges of onboarding non-crypto users, and the impact of meme coins on the industry’s reputation. They explore the role of Handshake (HNS) and Hamza in making Web3 commerce more accessible, highlighting real-world use cases and ongoing improvements. The conversation also touches on global crypto adoption, fundraising struggles, and the broader implications of financial decentralization. Tune in for insights on the future of crypto-driven marketplaces and industry challenges.
Decom Talks | Ep.2 – YouTube
(00:00) [Music] hey good good how are we all oh nice to hear from you here first time on stage I think I think it probably is yeah I usually don’t have much to talk about with all the other people knowing so much more than I do I’m quietly listening into the background so and learning as always yeah I appreciate we all appreciate you so I think you’re always underestimating you’re you’ve been in this you know I think you have quite a bit of knowledge maybe you’re just being modest in my opinion not so much
(00:34) on the technical side but yeah the marketing is probably my a little bit little bit more stronger point now I’ll let Nathan do all that technical sort of stuff so yeah good day Nathan how are you buddy I think he’s on listener mode he could come up on stage if you’d like yeah I’ll just invite everyone I think it make it more social you know we could we’re here let’s just make the most of it how was the preparations happening in regards to I know this is the Hamza division but how is hyon going you were
(01:08) getting all prepped up for that it’s always intense especially an is dealing with a lot of the you know as everything gets exciting in the last minute but yeah it’s it’s coming together it’s less than a week we’re gonna do some rehears well an do some rehearsals after this session and it’s looking great and it’s a very Global this week and next week I have to be up like 247 and then it’s good that namay has already started helping with the promotions is also participating At handic Con and yeah looking forward to
(01:42) that day one and day two day three they’re all exciting there’s an exciting lineup so it’s a really really you know like a big event every year for handshake five years can’t believe it it’s it’s gone quite quick I I remember knowing of it since 2021 it’s already 4 years it’s um it’s gone very quick hopefully hopefully bigger and better yeah it’s it’s definitely it’s definitely it’s definitely crazy how time is I feel like it’s four but it’s is it five I guess yeah it’s lose track
(02:21) I lose track yeah it’s a fifth one five right hi everybody hey hey Alex nice to see you hear you cool to be in a different setting yeah yeah yeah of course we really appreciate you know the heni community is of course I think it’s real it’s relevant too I mean decentralized ecomerce centralized domains so we I’m happy I’m always trying to find the best relationship between hza handshake or you know H&S as best we can always amazing I think I think I think ham is bigger than that though personally and
(03:04) as a user I think that I I was pretty amazed when I ordered a power bank with eth and it just arrived at my house pretty insane it is great experience by the way okay thanks thanks so much thanks so much really always appreciate the support yeah I mean there’s a lot you know we we’re so quiet we got to be I mean I guess simil like the handshake community all like building and it’s it’s quiet quiet quieter than it should be on the front but it’s never- ending building too I mean there’s so many
(03:39) feature requests and small you know things to fix it’s never ending so you know we’re trying our best to keep you know keep improving because it’s still I think web 3 and crypto whether it’s handshake H you know or any crypto related they use their experience it’s still so hard you know it’s so hard to make it easy use in cryp you know like my friend was telling me you know in web web 2 it’s so easy to like integrate the payments and the shopping carts and these you know we have to really do that
(04:15) in in in crypto as best we can you know whether whether it’s any any of these projects it’s still hard to use generally all most of I mean of course name base is very straightforward too but even even a name base is hard with the on boarding right I mean the the crypto onboarding you know people get scared setting in Bitcoin and you know things like that I mean it’s it’s it goes beyond that like I I have a I have a trainer that works with me every week and I’m always trying to get him to be
(04:51) involved in in in crypto and I always say I’m going to pay his lessons in in Bitcoin and I adjusted like for him to try out coinbase as a start and even with coinbase for him it was hard so there’s still a a big problem in the crypto space in general which is onboarding non- crypto users into crypto and you might think oh coinbase is super simple and and it is for us but you know for people outside of crypto it’s still new territory and scary so it’s a big challenge throughout the industry in
(05:33) general I guess I agree I mean it’s really frustrating you know actually we’re fundraising now and I was in Hong Kong I think some of you heard and saw and so many people think crypto Is MeMe coins you know it’s really almost embarrassing as an industry you know like you talk to an investor and they’re like comparing you to a meme coin or even cons think you’re a meme coin you know it’s like no no we’re actually building a real product and use case and utility you know where but I mean the sad fact and I think it’s
(06:13) even one reason the Market’s kind of down is there’s so much of this crap mcoin stuff in the market and unfortunately there was it seems like it was a pretty organized almost crime in my opinion but organized group that would pump and dump mem coin that you know I hope Justice is served but probably not you know but basically you know and it just gives a bad name to the whole Space we we all just get lumped in as a meme coin you know like I’d say handshake 2 and Hamza or anybody this this is almost maybe what want
(06:51) because because then they can say crypto is like a scam or not useful Etc you know indeed good evening guys or good morning indeed even presidents are involved in that I mean you’re in Latin America I mean I don’t get to off topic but this whole gentina coin Libra like you must be hearing about it even more than we is is I don’t know I don’t want to get off topic too much but I mean in in in the Spanish Market in the Latin American Market I mean are what do they generally say about that well you don’t hear about
(07:28) it much either but here but yeah there’s a big Fallout with that and I I understand that mle is being you know prosecuted for that for for I mean there’s a scandal in Argentina right now with that although to be fair Trump did pretty much the same thing and nobody said anything you know well I don’t know I would just like to clarify about that you know I’m also not happy about the Trump coin but one difference was whoever launched the Trump coin you know Trump says he’s got a huge team and he
(08:03) doesn’t know everything happening the big difference is I mean I think Libra would have been okay as same as Trump but whoever launched it and it seems like this organization sold it all of it as soon as it was bought so it went up to like billions I don’t even know the numbers and then like within the same hours crashed down because the Insiders and you know creators or whoever sold as soon people were retail or you know you know you know the families or the the retail bought they were selling hard and
(08:39) crashed it if they didn’t sell immediately everything into it it would have been because Trump coin it that they don’t dump it you know it actually did quote unquote pump and it didn’t it it did it for quite a while and it’s still even maintaining now the price I mean it’s down of course but it’s not like it went from like a bill billion to like 100k you know 90% drop in like three hours I think I think that was the major issue of the Libra I mean I’m talking about hours billions to like crash like an hours
(09:16) because the Insiders were selling it like immediately heavily yeah true Li Libra was more spectacular in its failure yeah but in the end that’s that’s that’s I mean Trump is I’m not buying Trump coin but you know Trump I’ll look it up right now it’s still like you know it’s what is it it’s still a $13 and top 46 coin Libra went to like a top coin to almost zero within like three or four hours so it’s different you know still Mike trying to get the conversation back on topic you
(09:52) know let’s do that I mean it’s true meme coins do not help in you know in giving the industry a good rep reputation but anybody who lives in a in a country that’s marginalized from the central from the USD banking system can tell you that that you know crypto does have its use cases but they’re hard to see if you live in a first world country or in any country where you take for granted that you have access to such USD banking systems you know and the way the world is going with dollarization and stuff I
(10:27) think that more sooner than later crypto will prove its its use case you know yeah and that’s that’s where we stand right now that’s you know that’s that’s one of it’s a challenge and it’s also an opportunity giving giving people access to to markets that they would otherwise have you know yeah and all that I agree yes so let’s go to our agenda so Jose’s here you know a little bit of delay getting things started with everybody so maybe we’ll formally kick off now it’s our second
(11:04) decom talk for the Hamza decentralized e-commerce Marketplace and we’re looking hosties every couple of weeks or you know seeing the frequency we’re still determining the frequency of these uh your feedback is appreciated but we want to engage more with the public at large show what we’ve been doing more on the the commercial side just another plug we have an Hamza Discord and also we have a town hall call led by Bo on the team which is more about governance tokenomics white paper which happens on
(11:46) Mondays I know time zones is tricky with our Global World we’re in but it’s evening Asia morning us and afternoon Europe I believe 8:00 p.m. GMT plus 7 1: p.m. M GMT so that’s also happening and and so basically what we’re trying to get into a flow is every two weeks we have a town hall on Monday which is tokenomics web 3 govern which is actually pretty fascinating both are pro at this Jose I know likes those right Jose oh yeah I recommend them to anyone they’re they’re it’s fascinating I mean it’s fascinating
(12:22) watching a uh a token be designed and all the incentive structures I find that fascinating yeah so we’re doing this that’s also being publicly discussed and we welcome you if you’re here and that as well that’s a little bit more it’s not totally private but you have to join our Hamza Discord it’s inside a Discord voice Channel and so that’s on every other Monday as far as our current agenda and this is on Thursday every other Thursday as a dcom talk on Twitter spaces or x x spaces and this
(13:00) is more about the kind of business side of the buyers and sellers and and the updates of that and that we try to bring some of our vendors or hear from the buyers or hear from the community at large and this is recorded as well as the town halls and our posted on blog. ham.
(13:20) Market where you can get the full information on that so what’s what what do we have I know Jose you worked on an agenda what do we got our our list today and maybe introduce yourself a I I was thinking of touching upon the topic of logistics and what a challeng is for us at hamsa Ju Just the stage a little bit for example I see Irwin is here he has a store with us and yeah I don’t know if he’s invited and that’s part of the agenda I think it is but great for example Irwin talks about Irwin had Irwin store sells these hns label pins
(13:54) right and he sells them from Australia and one of the challenges we’re facing for example if I if I were to be interested in in purchasing one of Irwin’s SL he ships them from Australia but there’s no there’s really no no direct Cheap shipping route between Australia and Venezuela either by air or C or any otherwise you know so everything is pretty much centralized in in the US I know for example if if if if you’re any if if you’re anywhere in Latin America and you use these e-commerce platforms such as Amazon
(14:30) on that sort of stuff buying from abroad what you usually is you use a freight forwarder but and and the freight forward is usually based in the US so you have like a like a sort of a mailbox in the US you know you can solidate all your stuff and then the freight forwarder ships it door to your address in some Latin American country that’s that’s the way that the system is set up currently and I was just thinking this afternoon hey I mean the you know with Trump and all the Tariff Wars and stuff it’s it’s you know
(15:06) it’s making it more of a challenge to actually keep doing that you know because if if if if tffs are imposed between the US and and China for example if you’re buying something from China you still need it to go through the us because of what I’ve explained I mean it’s it’s it’s much much cheaper than directly to from China to Venezuela for example so that’s that’s a bit of a challenge for for a nent market place like us where you have Sellers from all over the world and buyers from all over
(15:41) the world how do how to get merchandise physical Goods cheaply from country a to Country B that’s that’s that’s quite a challenge okay yeah I mean we can definitely discuss this for sure and I I just feel like this is my life’s work yeah I I mean I’ve been doing this for most of my Adult Career 20 plus years of e-commerce and online marketing and Logistics so it’s not easy it’s definitely not easy I don’t think anybody’s got it solved and like you said the Trump thing totally changed the
(16:21) game you know we have a lot of my handshake fam friends here on this live call which I really appreciate and you know we’re we learning about this decentralized world a lot in handshake the real dream of Hamza is and we talk about this and we’re St to say accelerate that is we want to make local market marketplaces right I mean Hamza is not meant to be the only Marketplace in the world of web 3 so we’re actually somewhat kind of pivoting in a way or accelerating our longer term vision of multiple marketplaces Jose I think you
(16:56) know that with the dcom token yeah so the decom token is what we’re focused on because of our fundraising and because of the legalities of of how it would be structured but I think the solution or the you know because actually I haven’t even brought it up but you know Hern is in Australia but you know he’s distributed pined I I’m kind of a distribution node I’ve just received him from Hong Kong ir and I finally picked them up last week at my office in Hong Kong so I have the the latest batch of them
(17:33) but I think also migs at teaser stupid.com which I think you’ve talked to Jose yeah I think he also I might be mistaken but he’s a US based I don’t know what to call it Merchant and he could also we didn’t develop this in hamsa yet but we could have it where one product could ship from multiple locations and this I don’t want to kill our amazing developers I mean we don’t give them the spotlight they need you know John and we have quite a few developers but to develop that would be a lot of work but
(18:09) technically maybe just manually do it Jose where I have some if somebody’s got some in Asia I could ship them you know if it’s us-based it could ship from say migs in the US maybe even if you want I mean I think the I think the way we quote unquote beat Amazon or web 2 is by being decentralized so of course everyone have to tr you know it’s a little bit more trust but you know you could have stock in various PA and I don’t want to blow your mind Jose but as you know we don’t use the name load pipe anymore know there’s
(18:43) decom but if you look at load pipe.com I it’s still going to exist but it might be further down the road of being a decentralized Supply Chain management solution so actually it was a little bit of a a joke actually some of the team doesn’t like the name load Piper feels like it’s not relevant for what these projects are which you know I I can I can accept and I did accept it is more of like a supply chain tool so you know our our buddy Bo like we sold we sold something I don’t know if you know this
(19:16) but he says he’s the first load pipe delivery so somebody bought a somebody bought a Travelers pack Tech pack okay and he delivered it by hand I was with him physically and it was another Ching my person but was but he was flying out the next day so we couldn’t ship it so he actually took it and delivered it and he says I’m the first load pipe delivery and I guess I’ll keep that I think but of course we didn’t program any of this but the world I see in the future I still believe I don’t know I don’t want to be sick but I
(19:55) still see a Mad Max world I I don’t want to say I’m negative of the way the world is but you know I believe we need these decentralized things because things can be taken down and taken over so I can see a world where I have a node of delivery there’s one in other locations this the merchants could send some inventory to those nodes like if they want to have some in Hong Kong or some in us or some in Venezuela that wouldn’t be Hamza or decom that would I guess maybe be I don’t want go crazy with
(20:28) names but it would probably be this load pipe system but but the point is it would be an independent person not official company it would not be like Amazon warehouse it would be a person’s warehouse and of course there’s got to be trust there would be of course another layer of kind of feedback and and of because of course you’re sending your products to somebody you’d have to have some trust in them but it would be a decentralized distribution Network so I don’t know if I’m me obviously it’s
(20:59) not working right now but maybe we could test it with some of our early sellers I don’t know how we would program that in the front end but you know another solution just to be clear say is a lot of people ship from China or us it doesn’t have us some ship from China I mean what most a lot of people do is global Shipping and then they just say it’s going to take time to get to Venezuela but you could of course ship to your Freight forward which you have used as well and then they receive it and then they ship it
(21:33) out well you know I actually put this question up to the AI this afternoon and what AI suggested which which makes perfect sense is you know you could use alternative notes like in Panama and Singapore and and you know other other notes with with more shall we say convenient uh Duty policy exports you know Customs policies and stuff but yeah I can I can see what you’re saying I mean we’re evolving slowly into some sort of a crowdsourced decentralized I don’t know and Colony you could call it that it’s it’s it’s what I what I see us
(22:11) becoming and maybe who knows maybe there’s another role in the in the hamsa Marketplace such as you know a warehouse or or a or a node I I don’t know what you would call that but yeah I could I could see that evolving time it could because you know that the the world is is is the future is decentralization man it’s I mean it’s just bound to happen have you ever read the this book called The sovereign individual I’ve read so many of these books and I can’t remember which one I have’t haven’t but I know
(22:45) that’s a very popular title and I think I have I’ve read a lot of I’ve read a lot of yeah there’s a lot of that book is mentioned quite a lot especially in in Bitcoin or circles because it predicts you know it goes through a through an analysis of all this technology starting from internet which was available back in the day when the book was written but the book predicted internet money and how the how the Central Powers and and big corporations and big nation states would try to fight back but in the end the book’s thesis is
(23:22) that they will not be able to to control that because the the the world is slowly shifting to towards a sovereign individual model you know and that necessarily goes through decentralization so in that that that’s where we stand in this wave and that that’s that’s why I’m I’m I feel very privileged to be a witness to all this you know yeah okay maybe we can open up owan do you have an opinion or feedback or thought about maybe anything we discussed or you know your H&S lapel pins I mean I love them I use them every
(23:58) every day I wear mine for years I don’t know if you’ve noticed some my pictures everybody or videos has always clicked on my shirt but you have anything to share yeah thanks for allowing me to list my product on it’s it’s good it’s I’m still learning everything about learning to log in back end you know using using what am I using the the Firefox wallet to enable me to log in and all that so it’s all fairly new to me so yeah it’s good to good to get involved I have seen seen you always
(24:29) wearing my pins Mike which is which is great it’s it’s great to see others out there promoting a handshake for for what it is even even back end we all know we talk the talk online but it’s I think it’s offline that is just as powerful reaching people when we’re out conferencing and chatting to people at a bar or club I’m using myself as a classic example I use it I have it on a lot of the time on the weekends and people are always asking what what what what does that h mean yeah and I and I and I just say
(25:00) well if you could imagine yourself owning we all we’ all heard of.com if if you if you are interested in owning anything behind that dot like if you want to own that Co the dotom I suggest you log on to handshake and find out a little bit more about it but you know you can’t talk too techy but long story short it’s it’s a good little promotional item and yeah I’m glad that th has come on board it’s yeah unique different fresh new yeah so wish you guys the best with that and yeah as we
(25:30) as we all get invol evolved with with the buying and selling I’m I’m happy to look into getting getting some some product made obviously let’s let’s be honest the the Chinas of the world are the are the best users of of raw material into a finished product and you know PS probably probably be amongst that as well so I’m happy to have you know have that sort of thing made and maybe have a central distribution happening from from there to different corners of the globe because um yeah as at the moment I’m I’m sending I’m
(26:01) sending the pins but so much you know it’ll cost me 6060 Australian just to send a parcel out with five pens and a couple of other bits and pieces and I’m absorbing pretty much all the costs but we want to get we want product out there to many other people not just including the pins but other things as well yeah this is a challenge but I could also help you know like I said I have I have a batch with me and I don’t know if Ms has any left or not but maybe or we could get some to him but that’s another
(26:33) option Jose I know but yeah I mean it’s been super hard I mean we’re such a glob actually I don’t know if it’s web 3 or just our community but we are definitely distributed around the world you know the people I work with and you know from the handshake and web 3 and other we are all over the world you know like Jose’s in Venezuela irin’s in Australia I’m in Thailand an’s in Philippines I see some people here might be want to be more Anonymous but they’re in Europe quite a
(27:01) few in Europe you know honestly I don’t even know that many in the based in the US that are we work with almost there’s some I’m not saying not many but it’s not like we’re a very heavy group of people that I’m working with in in these decentralized communities of just handshake hums that we’re building out and others so it’s it’s fascinating it’s great and it’s also it’s also of course challenging but that gives opportunity and I guess the next point is you know
(27:26) I’ve been talking to you know people I was at you know consensus in Hong Kong I can’t take like quote unquote Amazon directly in the US market and compete directly I I think the way is to go to these more Niche or or or needed markets like I love I don’t know Jose I don’t know if I’ve told you directly but I’d love to do more in in Venezuela I mean maybe we’re even trying to make it where we could have a clone of Hamza so what we’re actually trying to do with Hamza is we haven’t
(27:55) even started to discuss it because we didn’t finished building Hamza but we want to make Hamza where you can make your own Hamza right and that’s what the dcom token would would be utility for so you want to clone make a clone of Hamza and and re reskin it a bit and maybe even just making a different language and different colors of course there’s more to it than that but we help you do that and also use the smart contract escro system the the judging pool so what we’re really trying to do is is to
(28:28) allow people in different marketplaces of the world places in the world to make their own marketpl to be like more infrastructure than application I don’t know if people understand that but this is like been accelerated because of the legal issues we’re try we’re facing raising funny money at the Hamza application Level listen so from what I understood the future goals or visions for Hamza is to make it sort of a white label product for other people to build marketplaces on and use the decom token you know to
(29:07) buy and sell products wouldn’t this make you more sort of a Shopify like decentralized Shopify competitor maybe besides the the website building yeah well to be clear haza is still going to be a entity it’s it’s actually you know it is already an existing structure but and that is a is going to be you know is still a standalone project but yeah we’re basically I don’t know if it’s much of a Shopify there’s something if you Google search or search Mass Marketplace as a service you know like SAS is software as
(29:54) a service there’s a term in e-commerce of marketplace as a service and I’ve actually used some so what I’m trying to say is we could be more like a Shopify I I guess but we’re trying to be more like making your own multi-vendor Marketplace so Shopify is more like a single vendor store of course you could use Hamza as your only one vendor and that might be the direction it goes but we are seeing it more as is you can make you as an entrepreneur or a startup and you want to start your own Marketplace in say you
(30:37) know like I’d love to do this for Jose you know say in in Venezuela you know he there’s a lot of people that want to get their own marketpl you know sell product you’d have to get buyers and sellers so it’s it’s bit it’s a bit of a bigger task and but bigger maybe it’s a different kind of business model than Shopify store if that makes sense but it’s a bigger under making and if I could just add my last part just sneak in there we are talking to very early but imagine we could even even Amazon
(31:08) but existing web 2 e-commerce Marketplace imagine we could say hey you should at least Embrace some web 3 why not add a section on your website web 3 Marketplace on you know in their brand and then that could be powered by dcom not Hamza but deom actually I’m we’re trying to get that name on handshake some maybe saw that but basically then that would be powered by decom not Hamza Hamza is the front end first decom Marketplace as you may have seen and dcom is the token and utility and infrastructure to make it but
(31:44) imagine you go to like any marketplace now like any anywhere in the world you know and you could see like a tab saying web 3 Marketplace and I think it’s like a bridging of web two and web 3 so we’re thinking maybe some existing web 2 marketplaces might want to be Innovative and add maybe they don’t have to change their whole current web 2 Marketplace but they could have early adopters maybe go on that as well so sorry I think you were saying something Alex but that’s that’s the idea Mike may I ask Sor may I ask how do
(32:18) how would you leverage Network effects in in a bunch of marketplaces like that decentralized marketplaces how how is there a way for for people in those or those marketplaces to leverage or use a a sort of a network effect so if you go to decom de. network you can get some ideas and it was also discussed and people can refer to the town hall with last Monday but just to be clear in case that was missed the utility of the U of the dcom token is to be the escro disputes layer not the so the disputes at Hamza would
(32:59) happen at the dcom layer so the so that’s one and I could explain that more deeply if you’d like to hear more deeply but basically the community of Arbiters would be at the decom layer not at the Hamza layer Hamza layer is a Hamza is a customer of dcom the second point is vetted catalog management so if this Marketplace say let’s just I don’t know if you want give me a name in Venezuela but say you’re Venezuelan Marketplace you could import from our dcom datab or blockchain you could import Irwin’s hns
(33:36) lapel pins to sell in your Market with his criteria so you could import the catalog sum are all of the catalog into your Marketplace and there’s a third layer third the third use case is the how do I say seller seller escro not escrow but seller skin IND is what I call it but basically we talked about this on Monday you were there I think you were even contributing to this this point so how do we trust this vendor how do we trust Irwin I trust Irwin I’ve worked with him a couple years he ships him me but how
(34:13) does a random person trust Irwin especially if you make a new Marketplace and import product into that and start selling Irwin’s products on multivendor Marketplace so one way with trustless trust how do you trustless Le trust the what what we’re solving is money money is way that so you can use the decom blockchain to stake becomes token or maybe even other token into it in a long-term staking contract so that if Irwin starts to be a bad Merchant he could have not just the because there’s a difference of the escrow of the orders
(34:56) versus a state deposit funds into a long-term contract this is like way to say if I do something bad as a seller and of course the blockchain can’t just take it there has to be the arbitration and the disputes but if you start to sell plastic or or or deteriorating pins and then people start to complain they could potentially arbitrate with dcom network to try to get some of those staked funds as urement for their damages so those are the three use cases of the dcom token versus the Hamza token Hamza is a more of a pure like Amazon Customer
(35:37) the first decom Marketplace even a t-shirt you might see me wearing around it says the first decom Marketplace even this decom talks you know dcom is our is our we haven’t launched yet that powers the marketplace with those three main utility so so it would be sort of like the glue gluing everything together as as B Tob it’s business to business right it’s it’s basically the main customer is the marketplace more than the buyer or seller maybe a little bit of the seller too the seller and the marketplace are
(36:11) the are the main user of decom the buyer might not we’re not going to force buyers to use tokens for gas or you know of course they maybe we can accept it as a currency if people want to pay with it but it’s not meant to force the buyer to use it because that would be in our opinion too much for friction so people can still use stable coins or eth or hopefully other currencies as we add them but the utility is more of a infrastructure one and of course of course the quote unquote generic governance in of voting
(36:42) for any changes in the in the in the structure of it I see and we’re moving to that sooner than we thought because as we’re fundraising people say the the Hamza token is is a security and you can’t actually I’m noticing I don’t want to call out namebase but I’m noticing most of the marketplaces in web 3 are are Equity they’re not token or the token is not really connected to the marketplace even Open Seas says it’s coming magic Eed and they’re not as connected to the marketplace so what we
(37:16) want to do what we want to do at Hamza is actually give the benefits of the marketplace to the holders of the token and back to meme coins it seems like governments want to to Just Launch meme coins when you actually give utility to a token they don’t like it and they call it a security and and supposedly you could go to jail for it so I don’t really feel like going to jail for selling a security you know well I I’ve already thought about this I guess if I go to jail I just have to go to jail if
(37:46) if I have to I mean I thought about that a lot the last couple years but I’m not going to try to do it on purpose or you know like B basically you’re like a Target if we fund raise on Hamza publicly we could they have the SEC after us or something so I don’t really feel like doing that because we give util the we give actual benefit to the Token isn’t it sound the stupidest thing it is it’s it’s totally nonsensical totally fine but if you actually give utility to the holders you are a
(38:19) security exactly and and rug pulling millions of people is fine it’s really [ __ ] sorry it’s really a messed up world you know and then you go to these events they’re more interested in your you know like yeah it’s all it’s this is I think this is why every gives crypto a scam and maybe governments do this on purpose because they don’t want it to be useful I think this is the honest truth because they’re scared if it’s useful it’s a threat to them if it’s like some Casino
(38:46) scam thing then they can just call it out and say it’s all a scam because they don’t let you make it not a scam exactly it it has reminds me of something Frederick Hayek said you know the the famous economist he used to say that you know we’re not really going to fix money unless we introduce something like that’s that can’t be controlled by Central entities he was talking he was saying this in the 70s and he was basically talking about Bitcoin but yeah he said unless we we introduce it in some Sly roundabout
(39:21) way I guess that’s what we’re trying to do with with you know decentralized marketplaces yeah so that’s why our legal council is telling us dcom token is is more is more of a is more I guess you can say utility but less of a security because it’s not as directly connected to the transaction revenue of the marketplace I hope everybody’s understanding and we didn’t want to strip that out of the Hamza project you know I guess we could have just still sold hza token and not given the benefits to the that but we decided
(40:01) not to do that and just rather go to the decom layer for the public exactly okay I don’t know I mean maybe questions or more input from others I mean I hope this has been interesting you know we’re still experimenting with the format of these spaces for the project but it’s feel we’re going more than the operations yep and this is more like you said the business side of things and and you know the evolving landscape and and all the challenges that we have to face it would it would be nice if we
(40:33) could get somebody from the shipping and Logistics maybe a freight forwarder to come talk in the next talks I don’t want to like yeah we could easily do that I don’t know if you even know but I’m a I’m a partner investor owner of a logistics company in China called easy China Warehouse I think you’ve talked to some of those in groups so they are fully aware of what we’re doing and supportive of doing it and of course we can get maybe Justin or CEO there on on a space that’s a good idea maybe that
(41:03) could be a future one it would be great it would be great because I I think that’s a question that needs so much clarifying and and you know and it’s it’s it’s giving us a lot of complexity right now because I see that we have a lot of sell and most of our sellers are like local sellers for example you have dtic store they’re selling this this great Health Moringa products natural products they’re only available I’m hoping I can get mine soon yeah by the way his store has been has been fixed I I believe he he will be
(41:40) able to see his really yeah yeah okay great all right well you know I think an hour is a good bit amount of time for this which is in about five minutes so does anybody have you know anything for us or questions or comments yeah um just regarding the the marketplace will it be only physical products or are you considering also Services well Jose he’s also a vendor as well as a team member but Jose is selling eBooks right now I I I know some of his customers are having trouble buying it right we’re sing that but we
(42:28) we originally thought only physical products I mean that was at least my thoughts because I’ll be honest I mean I feel like it’s just so hard to do so many you know because is you know everything starts simple or sounds simple but when he gets to details it gets more complex but you know we added gift cards if anything I’ve actually been enjoying that myself personally but you can buy gift cards and actually we I believe our raid is very competitive to other platforms so you could use crypto like various gift cards which are
(42:59) digital Jose’s book I think there’s a couple other digital products being added actually you talk about Services I had lunch with this contact a couple days ago she seems to think that we might have more success or another success with the upwork Fiverr model as a decom token but maybe not inside Hamza I don’t know maybe because it gets also harder for the user but I I’ll just say we haven’t really started to develop that and I think if we mentioned it to our CTO John he his head would explode so maybe we don’t
(43:31) Jose you simple but there’s a lot of details and differences but I guess essentially it’s not that much different of buying a service than a product but I think when you really dig into the flow and the details it is a bit different but I think on the decom layer hopefully if you wanted to make a Service Marketplace I believe the flow and they would be similar but I I don’t know I just like mixing Human Services with physical products on a one website it’s not even inside Amazon or I mean usually
(44:06) there’s marketplaces for services and marketplaces for products I don’t usually see them mixed together true I mean you were mentioning like the white label idea and I just thought about yeah you know quite a few people bring up a lot of people complain about upwork lately I don’t use it lately but a lot of people complain about upwork now quite a few friends I know are buyers and sellers on upwork it seems like they really also got predatory with I don’t even know what it’s called you need some kind of
(44:37) credits to apply to gigs or jobs and then you you they basically sell that’s how they are making more money they used to kind of like used to be kind of free to apply to a job post or a project post but I think there’s some I don’t even know the system but system and it seems like it’s making it more and of course they’ve I’ve seen people get shut down on upward quite a few times it is also worth mentioning that these platforms are not I mean the the demand for for these things in crypto would I imagine
(45:10) be huge it but to answer your question Alex yeah we right now we support digital products and and physical products so maybe that could be that that could be worked or repackaged as product just I think most anybody here is somewhat technical knows that these are huge requests that usually overwhelm a technical person so I try to bring it up in the short well I think this about wraps it up Mike I think this is good I hope everybody enjoys these I I I enjoyed you know I like I like it and but yeah I mean it’s
(45:52) it’s definitely not easy I mean any any anything is worse than anything is not easy at to be beginning so we’re always listening to your feedback and input and thanks for joining it will also be posted on blog. ham. Market probably in the next few days or next week and then we’ll also be sharing a handy con Jose I’m not sure if you know about handy con a few people here from the hake Community but handy con our fifth annual is next week at Handy con.
(46:19) XYZ yeah Bo’s gonna have a session there about Hamza you know irwins from the handshake Community with his lapel pins and you know Alex and others here so always appreciate that looking forward to the hset yeah I mean both’s great I he’s going to have some good insights and I’ll also be sharing some you know throughout the time a little bit updates on my side so I’m excited awesome always a pleasure to talk with you yeah yeah thanks I and I was late there too so appreciate that okay everybody have a good night or day
(46:54) or afternoon a good one Cheerio cheers [Music]