Bug Fixes:
- Order history – Fixed bug causing order history items to not be recorded fully
- Security flaw fix: Cart api – Closed Medusa API security hole in /cart route
- Security flaw fix: auth/emai api – Closed Medusa API security hole
- Thankyou page wrong currencies – Fixed bug causing price to be saved incorrectly in database and on thankyou page, after correct price was paid
- Confirmation email hyperlink – Fixed hyperlink in confirmation email (on some mail clients not appearing as hyperlink)
- Checkout: address saving – Improved the way in which checkout address selector saves addresses
- Checkout: address loading – Improved the way in which checkout address selector displays addresses
- Checkout: added quantity selectors & delete on Checkout page
- Checkout Fixed bug: cart line item prices not showing
- Tech Pack – Prepared & tested Tech Pack product
- Discounts – Figured out how discounts work, assessed what’s needed to make them actually work
- Price filter – Filter products by price on homepage and shop page
- HNS Integration improvements – increased avatar sized, display wallet address/HNS name on every page in top nav