Bug fixes:
- Orders not showing up in Shipped bucket
- Province now required in checkout billing address (Buckydrop requires it)
- Confirmation email showing wrong product prices
- Slight product price discrepancy on product cards due to math division & rounding
- Order status emails not sending
- Increase visibility of selected variants (product details page)
- Removed “platform” field in order details
- Added USDC price to cart and checkout for reference, when the price is denominated in ETH
- New chat script
- Google Analytics tags added to every page
- Return/Refund button links to ticketing in blog.hamza.market
- API route and service improvements to aid in order & payment processing
- Checkout
- Changed “Shipped” tab in Order Mgmt to “In Transit” (terminology to avoid ambiguity)
- Order Management design improvements
- Mobile design improvements
- Order Management (performance improvements)
- Homepage speed improvements
- Refactored and improved OAuth verification flow