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Seller Feedback on Governance of the Hamza Marketplace

August 28, 2024

On Tuesday Aug 27 2024 Beau and Mike spoke about the latest updates of the Hamza decom marketplace at a local ecommece meetup. 

Note: It was also a heavy downpour so those who came are serious about ecommerce! 

Some of our findings:

  • Sellers do not want to take “currency” risk – such as the fluctuations of the crypto currency market. The discussion about if the buyer pays in ETH , and you as the seller receives USDC, and then later there is a refund/dispute – does the buyer get their original amount of ETH, or the current market rate of ETH, or the USDC amount.
  • Sellers are still not “web3 savvy” – most at the event had limited usage of crypto outside of mainstream exchanges. 
  • Wide range of crypto currency in the room – some had Solana, some BTC lightning, others various coins. Was not a common theme in the room of a crypto currency they used. 
  • Overall openness to try, and willing to learn. Will take a lot of education. 
